Saturday, September 7, 2013

Simplifying My Life, Since It's Going to Get Hectic Enough As It Is

Just deleted my Skype and Twitter accounts.  Don't really need them anyway, since most of the people whom I was associated with on Skype and Twitter...well, let's just say I fell out of touch with a lot of them, to put it nicely.  Furthermore, I don't feel the need to pander to certain Twitter followers whom I collected in a previous phase of my life.  I don't know how that helps me, except for the fact that I can freely view my thoughts about K-Pop now, but it's definitely a weight lifted.

I shall say that some of the people I talked to through these mediums were cool though.  Hopefully I'll be able to cross paths with them in another way.

Now off to biochem.  And cleaning the apartment...hopefully.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another Kitchen Success

Somehow this is turning into a food blog.  Hmm.

I had a box of pre-washed kale in the fridge that had to be used up, and since it seemed to be too much for me to finish it all at once raw, I went to trusty old and found a recipe for it sauteed.  I haven't had the best luck cooking with oil though; I'm a clean-freak, but when I've sauteed with oil in the past, especially in a shallow frying pan, the oil seems to splatter after I add whatever I'm cooking in and stink up the entire apartment.  I've also had trouble burning garlic.

Instead, I thought I'd try a suggestion from my mom to saute with vegetable broth.  I basically switched the vegetable broth and the olive oil, starting with a base of vegetable broth, garlic, and red chili flakes, adding the baby kale, and finishing with salt and olive oil.  I must say the vegetable broth is quite flavorful, and the sauteed kale kind of reminds me of the sauteed bean sprouts I used to have at Chinese restaurants, except not as oily or salty, and with a fresh kale flavor added.

So Mom, if you're reading this, you can't blame me for not eating my vegetables.

Yes, pictures will be soon as I decide to put them up.

Now on to my learning objective about Tums for tomorrow.  How fitting...